Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

It's true! Singer/songwriter extraordinaire, David Bazan (formerly of Pedro the Lion and Headphones), has booked a national tour consisting entirely of house shows and little ol' me got picked to host one of the few California dates available. As you can imagine, I'm pumped. A ginormous thank you to Johnny @ Love, the Captive for making this one happen!

If you don't know who David Bazan is, shame on you.


Tickets go on sale, tomorrow @ 3 p.m. That's Thursday, folks. They are a modest $20 and you can get them from this website. However, there are only 10 (out of 35) available, at this point. I dunno where the rest went, but that's really neither here nor there. Get to your computer at 3 p.m. or go without, I guess. No tickets will be sold at the door. They were very explicit about that. Sorry.

That's that... short and sweet. The show is set for March 18th and we're all beyond excited to experience such an honor. It should be a memorable night. Look for a follow-up post, with plenty of pictures. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to run around, giggling like a school-girl.



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